School visits to Wendover Woods

Discover Wendover Woods with your class

Situated in the beautiful surroundings of the Chilterns, Wendover Wood offers fantastic learning opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.

A classroom with no walls

The living, breathing woodland is a versatile learning space, with room to think and space to explore. 

Plan sensory exploration or wildlife and habitat spotting with younger children. Older children can see how ecosystems work, undertake field studies or explore the science behind the tree lifecycle.

Learning in a forest is also a practical way to immerse your class in a range of subjects. 

Booking your visit 

Visits must be booked in advance, contact Wendover Woods

How to visit Wendover Woods as a class

A group of children looking at a piece of paper in the forest

Everything you need to know about organising a class trip to Wendover.

Go ape tree top junior Grizedale

Treetop adventures for Key Stage one and above.