The Easy Access Trail at Alice Holt

The Easy Access Trail

The Easy Access Trail is suitable for most wheelchairs and pushchairs, and has an optional shortcut.

After passing through a young conifer plantation the trail crosses a path and enters a majestic stand of mature Scots pine. Soon, the pine are replaced with large oak trees which line the path. Hereafter your experiences will depend on whether you choose the long or the short route.

The long route passes through a very attractive stand of larch where the trail is carpeted with fallen needles. Here is where you will also come across an amazing dead tree peppered with woodpecker nest holes. Now the feel of the walk changes as you enter the atmospheric gloom beneath the dense canopy of Western Hemlock conifers. This does not last long, however, as you soon find yourself amidst a beautiful open woodland of tall beech trees.

The short route will also lead you through a beautiful beech woodland which is used for our den building events. 

The route then re-joins the main section of the Easy Access Trail leading you back to the car park.

There are benches and picnic benches along the route.

Trail information

Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Horn Oak, Farnham, GU10 4LS
Follow the pink markers. Disabled parking spaces are available at the beginning of the trail in the first car park on the right.
Grade - Easy Access
Trail Length
Short: 0.7 miles (1.1 km)
Trail Length
Long: 1.5 miles (2.4 km)