At Forestry England there are many opportunities to work with us
From forestry operations to office services, civil engineering and building maintenance, to environmental works and delivering outdoor recreation requirements. We have a wide range of opportunities for suppliers of goods, services and works.
We welcome tender applications from across the business and charity community, including small and medium businesses, and newly established businesses. We understand the importance of prompt payment to our suppliers and therefore aim to pay for undisputed invoices within 30 days after receipt of the invoice.

Our aims and standards
Our aim is to achieve the highest standards of procurement and look for sustainable, continuous improved, innovated, and value for money solutions, and do so by seeking competition in a transparent and open and fair manner.
We also access frameworks and contracts from other public sector bodies where appropriate for our needs. One of the providers we use are Crown Commercial Services. Details of how to join and become a supplier are available on their Crown Commercial Services website.
As part of our commitment to transparency we publish our over £25k transactions, over £500 GPC transactions and prompt payment data.
DPS (Dynamic Purchasing Systems)
Some of our opportunities are managed as a DPS. This is an open market solution to allow suppliers to supply commonly purchased goods and services, such as tree planting and Christmas tree sales. A DPS remains open to new suppliers to join at any time throughout the period of the agreement, and if the application is accepted the supplier will be added to the DPS and invited to quote whenever a requirement comes up.
Our DPS opportunities can be found on the Delta eSourcing system.

Viewing and applying to tender
There are different ways to apply to tender depending on the the value of the tender.
Over £50,000
Tender opportunities with a value over £50,000 can be found on the Delta eSourcing system. To submit tender applications, suppliers need to register with Delta, and can set alerts to be notified when a new tender is released.
These tenders, along with other public sector tenders, can also be found on GOV.UK - Contracts Finder, or for higher value tenders on Find a Tender Service (FTS) website.
Under £50,000
Under £50,000 opportunities are managed by our local sites using a quotation process and are not usually available on the Delta eSourcing system. Enquiries should be directed to the relevant local District Office.
All tenders
For advice on how to prepare and submit a bid please view our Top tips for tendering and A guide to working with government.
Further information
For help on any of the procurement processes discussed or for any other questions please contact Commercial Services by email at commercial.services@forestryengland.uk
Please note Commercial Services do not keep a preferred supplier list. Sales and marketing emails are not routinely responded to due to the volumes received.
Forestry Commission procurement Modern slavery statement Supplier code of conduct