Help the nation’s forests thrive by supporting Forestry England
Forests and woodlands are special places: for trees, for wildlife, for everyone. And they are vital for the future of our planet.
The support we receive from members, volunteers and visitors is essential to help us grow, shape and protect the nation’s forests, now and for future generations.
There are different ways for you to make a difference. You can make a donation, leave a legacy, volunteer your time or become a member. For companies, we have a range of corporate opportunities to explore.
Forests care for us. Together we care for forests.

Help the ospreys of Kielder Forest
2024 has been terrible for the ospreys in Kielder. The wet weather, low temperatures and high winds caused the death of 12 chicks: the worst loss in 15 years. Donating to our appeal will help us improve nesting conditions for next year and invest in better equipment.

Become a member
Support our work and enjoy free car parking and special offers at the nation's forests.
Choose between joining us as a national member or a member of your local forest.

Volunteer your time
We have a wide range of opportunities across England from practical conservation to trail maintenance and vegetation management.

Buy Forestry England merchandise
Support us by buying organically certified, UK produced clothing and tote bags.

Leave a gift in your will
The nation’s forests are special places for trees, for wildlife, for people. A small gift in your will can make a big difference and help shape the forests of the future.

Become a corporate partner
Align your business with the important work we do by partnering with us to expand our forest estate, support our wildlife conservation and celebrate the wellbeing benefits of forests.