Booking process and charges for Westonbirt Arboretum
Updated 20th January 2025
Booking is essential for all learning group visits.
- Contact us to confirm the availability of your preferred date, to discuss your requirements and to provisionally book.
- self-guided groups of all ages, 0300 067 4856
- led programmes for Early Years and KS1, 07920 065803, website
- led programmes for KS2 and above, 0300 067 4856
- Complete and return the booking form we provide to receive your confirmation details, including arrival information and risk assessment.
Charges for guided visits
Types of visit | Charging details |
Led programme Early Years and KS1 | Led by Learning With Nature |
Led programme KS2 and above | March - November
Self-guided groups | Invoices are based on booking form numbers
Adult charges All learning groups | We offer free adults as follows:
Additional adults £9.00 |
- bookings include complimentary coach parking. Teaching staff, leaders and helpers accompanying groups can also park free of charge.
- we offer a free pre-visit to staff to help plan your visit, and can provide guidance, including risk assessments.
- all groups are invoiced