The climate is changing faster than nature can adapt. If our forests don’t have a future, we don’t have a future. Our forests need help like never before.
But there is hope. We manage more land and trees than any other organisation in England. We’re providing vital homes for wildlife, making our air cleaner to breathe and producing sustainable timber. With your help, together we can grow a better future.
Growing a better future
With less than 10% of our funding coming from government, we need to raise most of our money ourselves to continue our work. Will you help us today in growing a better future?
We're here to help
If you have any questions about donating, our friendly Customer Relations team is here to help. You can reach us at fundraising@forestryengland.uk
The best way to donate is online via the button linked above. Alternatively, you can send a cheque made payable to Forestry England to: The Forest Fund, Forestry England, 620 Bristol Business Park, Bristol BS16 1EJ.
Thank you.