For over 100 years, Forestry England have been growing, shaping and caring for over 1,500 of our nation's forests. We have a forest management plan for each local forest area. The plans set out how we aim to manage the woodlands in our care over the next 30 or more years.
As a forest planner you will work with many colleagues across the organisation to use their wealth of knowledge and expertise to inform the forest plans. They carefully balance the needs for wildlife, supplying sustainable home grown timber and opening our forests for all to enjoy.
What it takes
A forest planner will work across the organisation and oversee the development of individual forest management plans. The role includes:
- creating plans that set out how the forest will be managed over the next 30 years or more.
- consulting internally with colleagues and externally with stakeholders and interested partners for their expertise and support.
- ensuring statutory requirements are considered, for example protecting scheduled monuments and protected areas.
maintaining and developing accurate systems for data collection.
using a range of IT applications such as Microsoft Office Suite and Geographical Information System (GIS).
Skills and qualifications
We recommend that you gain experience and certificates where you can. This may include volunteering to gain practical knowledge, online courses for the latest research in forest management through to completing a relevant college course or apprenticeship.
You can get into this job through:
a college course.
an apprenticeship.
applying directly.
Forestry England's shadow volunteer and trainee programmes.
Ideally you need a degree or equivalent in forestry, land management, geography or environmental science. But some people may progress and gain experience and train as they work.
You'll usually need:
2 or 3 A levels, or equivalent, including maths and a science for a degree.
Starting from £32,000.
Typical hours
On average 37 hours per week, may include weekend and evening work.
Forestry England offers flexible working patterns where appropriate and lots of other great benefits to support a healthy work/life balance.
How you can grow with us
Your career could progress into:
- senior management roles.
- specialist roles such as historic environment advisor, conservation translocations officer.
- you may wish to gain Chartered status (Chartered Forester or Chartered Arboriculturist) - an award that recognises professional competence.
- complete a Professional Forester Level 6 Degree apprenticeship. Discover more about apprenticeships at Forestry England.
Applying to work at Forestry England
If a forest planner role sounds exciting to you, check out Civil Service jobs for all our current vacancies.
Our frequently asked questions will help in your application