Matlock Moor future plans

Exploring the future of Matlock Moors

Updated 11th June 2024

A series of public exhibitions were held locally on 24th and 25th April 2024 to share details of our proposals at Farley Moor (see section below for background).

We welcomed members of the public who live locally, neighbours, councillors, local businesses, other accommodation providers, environmental and wildlife organisations.

We understand that the forest means different things to everyone and it was great to hear everyone’s individual interests – this matters to us.

The sessions were well attended with lots of questions and thoughts shared.  

Information boards and banner from the consultation events held in April 2024
Public Exhibition at The Whitworth, Darley Dale 24-25th April

View exhibition materials and further information

If you didn’t have the chance to visit the exhibitions or would like to read the details again, the exhibition boards are available as pdfs here: 

850x850 board – Outline of proposals

850x400 board – Working Together

Please note these were produced for the public exhibitions as an overview of the proposals. Work is still ongoing and the information does not reflect any updates or amendments which may be made.

Examples of Forest Holidays locations were shown at the exhibitions for anyone unfamiliar with their nature breaks, view the video.

See the exhibition materials about how Forest Holidays create their locations with nature in mind on this pdf: Constructing a new Forest Holidays location.

For background on the Forest Holidays journey and the work they do in the nations forests view this video

The public exhibitions were held in advance of a full planning application which we expect to submit within the coming months. There is plenty of time to look at the details and share your comments as part of the formal planning process. 


Forestry England manages the nation’s forests to be sustainable and resilient providing benefits for people, wildlife and the economy: nationally and locally. We constantly review the forests to see how those benefits could improve.

The Matlock Moor collection of woodlands are popular with local dog walkers and horse riders and have many great walking paths through the area. However overall, annual visitors to Farley Moor forest are low as there are currently no formal recreation routes or facilities. This provides an opportunity for improvements and greater accessibility from Matlock.

Matlock and nearby Matlock Bath are very well-established tourist destinations and are the South Eastern gateway to the Peak District National Park and nearby Bakewell and Chatsworth House.

In further developing our people, nature and economy offer, the potential for overnight accommodation within Farley Moor has been assessed and approved internally in accordance with Forestry England policy guidance.

A full suite of surveys and studies including in-depth ecological assessments and other surveys were carried out to confirm that the forest is suitable.

We are working with Forest Holidays, a B Corp certified business, who are one of our long-term trusted partners, to explore options for up to 75 nature sensitive cabins. 

In the last 50 years, we have created 8 sensitively-placed cabin locations in forests we care for which help to broaden experiences and extend the public benefits delivered by forests. Forest Holidays locations, which are tucked away in forests, National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty throughout Great Britain, give people the opportunity to discover, explore and reconnect with the beauty of our natural world, whilst importantly contributing a sustainable income to help support forests for years to come. 

What stage is it at?

The concept for overnight accommodation which is designed to fit thoughtfully within the woodland, was agreed by Forestry England's Board, and Forest Holidays has been granted an 'option to lease' from the Government's Forestry Minister, which has enabled full proposals to be explored and developed.

The early concept outlined above was published on Forestry England's website in September 2023. 

We have engaged with Derbyshire Dales Council and our proposals are publicly available. 

Following the public exhibitions, some exploratory survey work is currently underway on site to further inform our proposals. 


Enquiries can be directed to: