Current forestry operations
Current restoration areas:
- Restoration work is underway in Dur Hill and Markway Inclosures, removing young birch and pine seedlings to improve the habitat.
- From 7 October work got underway on the edge of Highland Water Inclosure. Forestry England’s contractors are removing conifer tree stumps and raking up and burning the debris in areas where the conifer trees were recently felled. We’re very aware how important it is to protect our rare heathlands and the soil underneath. Our work is focused only on burning the debris and this is done carefully to avoid the heat going down into the soil. There will be warning signs in the areas where contractors are working and we urge people to pay attention to safety signs to avoid injury to themselves and their dog, as there may be hot ashes in some areas.
Managing heathland
The New Forest has a mosaic of habitat with large areas of lowland valley mires that have great conservation value because they are home to lots of rare and special species. These areas have been maintained through prescribed burning and centuries of commoners grazing livestock on the gorse and heather that helps to maintain the heathlands. This practice continues today and is combined with our annual programme of prescribed burning that removes invading seedlings and produces fresh growth for many plants. Prescribed burning also helps protect the Forest from wildfires in the warmer months, when they can be devastating for wildlife. All of our maintenance activities on the open forest, including prescribed burning, are agreed with Natural England in advance.
We’re very aware how important it is to protect our rare heathlands and the peat underneath. Our work is focused only on burning vegetation on the surface and this is done very rapidly to avoid the heat going down into the soil. Also, this is only done in priority habitat areas and those at particular risk of wildfires, and on a very small scale – less than 3% of the open forest in any one year.
Felling trees
Growing trees for home-grown timber means that they have to be managed all year round. It's vital that our gateways are kept clear for forestry vehicles working on site and emergency vehicles. Warning signs will be in place around the work sites and it’s important that you pay attention to signs your own safety, that of others. Work is only taking place Monday - Friday.
Current work areas:
- Forestry work is underway in Brownhill Inclosure, near Sway, we're thinning conifer trees and improving the habitat here and aim to finish the felling by 25 October.
- Thinning work is taking place in Sloden Inclosure, it's expected to be completed by 20 October.
- Contractors are removing conifers from North Slufters, to improve the habitat, this should be finished by 12 October.
- We're selectively removing some conifer trees in Burley New Inclosure, to make space for the remaining trees to grow. This should be completed by 21 October.
- In Parkhill Inclosure, timber is being stacked, so please take extra care and look out for safety signs warning of big machinery at work.
- We’re removing conifer trees from an area on the edge of Ipley Inclosure, this will allow the area to go back to open forest. Creating new links that bring together the open forest and realign the fencing so that the area can be grazed by commoners’ animals.
- Work is underway in Little Linford and Great Linford Inclosures, thinning the Douglas fir trees to allow more space for the remaining trees to grow. This is expected to continue until the end of October, please look out for big lorries and take extra care when in the Linford Bottom area.
- We're starting work in North Bentley Inclosure from 14 October, thinning conifer trees, work is expected to take about six weeks.
A key part of our work is actively managing the land to make sure the local woodlands that we know and love can thrive for many years to come. There is often a perception that tree felling is bad, but it’s a vital part of good woodland management. Harvesting trees provides the wood that we all use in our daily lives and promotes healthy forests.
It’s easy to focus on tree felling, but that’s only one part of the cycle of growing trees. Over the last six years we have planted over 100,000 trees here in the New Forest, carefully matching the right species to the right location to help its chances of growing and thriving.
A place for everyone to enjoy
Sometimes the New Forest’s rare and special habitats need our help to keep them in good condition and in some cases this requires removing trees to restore them. The country needs trees to help us combat climate change, but we also need to protect our most precious wildlife and habitats. Choosing to restore these special habitats in the New Forest makes sense because the habitat’s plants and the system of livestock grazing needed to maintain the habitat is already here. We have to be sure that we have the right trees in the right places. This is why we are actively seeking to expand and replant our forests across the nation and focus restoration of the rare open habitats within the New Forest.
Forestry England provides sustainable managed woodlands and thinning the trees regularly is a key element of good woodland management. It provides opportunities to open up of shaded and wet tracks, making them more accessible to people on foot, and benefits wildlife including valuable pollinating species. It will be noticeable where machinery has been, however work to repair tracks will take place as soon as possible after all tree felling has finished.