Our Information Charter

Updated 16th October 2018

The Charter helps us to keep your information reliable and up to date.

You can get more details on:

  • how to find out what information we hold about you and how to ask us to correct any mistakes
  • agreements we have with other organisations for sharing information
  • circumstances where we can pass on your personal information without telling you, for example, to prevent and detect crime or to produce anonymised statistics
  • our instructions to staff on how to collect, use and delete your personal information
  • how we check the information we hold is accurate and up to date
  • how to make a complaint

For details about how we handle your personal information, please contact us:

  • in writing, including fax or email 
  • by contacting our public enquiries line: 0845 3673787
  • by phone, or in person if you find that easier 

If your request is not in writing, we may write to you to confirm your request.

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, contact:

Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




T: 01625 545745 

F: 01625 524510

E: mail@dataprotection.gov.uk