Forestry England and RunTogether have teamed up to promote running in the nation’s forests.
Forestry England and RunTogether are creating a new partnership for 2022 which will bring together RunTogether groups and the nations forests and promote the huge benefits that running amongst the trees has to offer. Research shows that spending just 2 hours a week in nature significantly improves our health and satisfaction. Forests are a haven to escape and are especially restorative environments. The sounds, sights and smells you experience while you run through the forest play a role in reducing stress by stimulating the senses.
Supported by Sport England and using National Lottery funding, Forestry England’s waymarked trails make running through the forest more accessible, so you can feel confident to hit the trails and enjoy all the benefits of being active outdoors. RunTogether provides fun, friendly, supportive and inclusive running opportunities for everyone: whatever your ability or time availability. RunTogether believes running/jogging is more fun and easier to become part of your lifestyle when shared with others.
Click here for our official press release. More information coming soon on this exciting partnership.