Bignalls, Jaguar Lount and Alistair's Woods

Visitor information

Community woodlands in the National Forest

These woodlands, just off the Staunton Harold Estate, are community woodlands for all. Trails weave their way through a network of habitats, from ancient woodland, parkland to newly planted woodlands.

Alistair's Wood

Alistair's Wood is a community woodland planted in March 2003. Formerly part of the Dog Lount Mine opencast coal mining site, this 34-hectare wood has now been planted with native broadleaf species such as oak, ash and birch, making it a peaceful place to explore. Avenues of fruit and nut trees have also been planted including apple, pear and walnut, providing colour all year round.

Bignalls Wood

Bignalls Wood is the newest of the three woods. It was planted in early 2005, and is named after the family that used to farm the land. Historic farm structures and parkland make it a great habitat for owls, birds of prey and bats.

On the site’s southern edge lies a small mature woodland, called Dog Kennel Wood, which in spring is carpeted with flowers like bluebells and wood sorrel.

Jaguar Lount Wood

This unique 72-hectare woodland was created between 2001 and 2004 with sponsorship from Jaguar Cars. It is the largest area of walnut planted in the country. Eventually the beautifully marked timber from these trees will provide high quality veneers for cars and furniture.

  • Walking
  • Horse riding
  • Cycling
  • Dogs welcome
Feel good in the forest2

Feel Good in the Forest at Bignalls, Jaguar Lount and Alistair's Woods

Forestry England's social prescribing project Feel Good in the Forest is aimed at improving the physical and mental health of those most in need. Based at various National Forest sites, join us for weekly walks and other activities.

Things to do

Hop on your bike and follow our all-ability surfaced trail to discover Bignalls, Jaguar Lount and Alistair’s Wood on two wheels.

Cyclists are welcome to use the surfaced trails at...

Horses and riders are welcome at Bignalls and Jaguar Lount woods. A shared use route is open throughout the spring and summer months and takes you through a large part of the outer...

Bignalls, Jaguar Lount and Alistair’s Woods have a variety of surfaced paths and grassy trails for you to explore. Perfect for family walks, tiring out your four-legged friend and...

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