5 feelings you need to experience in the forest

Forest Holidays cabin in the forest on a sunny day

Find your forest feeling with Forest Holidays

Our friends at Forest Holidays love the forest just as much as we do. They know that when people and nature connect, good things happen. The forest is much more than a place... it’s a feeling. 

Here’s five feelings we can help you experience in the forest. Plus, if you can’t make it to a forest near you, we're still helping you find your forest feeling at home.

1. Awe 

The forest can create such an incredible sense of awe. Use your eyes and ears to awaken your senses. Listening to the sounds of nature is a magical experience and you only have to look up to feel a sense of amazement. 

Soaking up the night sky on a Forest Holiday and simply gazing at the stars is one of our favourite ways to get this feeling. Sit in silence admiring your surroundings (from a lounge-chair or a hot tub!), and download our beginners guide to stargazing to keep the kids occupied while you do.  

Family looking up into the tree canopy
Woman sat being calm in the forest

2. Calm 

Simply spending time in the forest is a natural therapy. Forest Bathing invites people of all ages to breathe deeply, learn techniques and find meaningful connections with the forest. Immerse yourself and let us guide you and calm your senses in a busy world. Research shows that you can find a much deeper sense of peace while in the forest and calmer forest feeling.  

Take a guided walk with Forest Holidays and experience the serenity of a shared tea ceremony. You’ll feel rested, restored, recharged and relaxed. If you’re unable to get to the forest, why not check out our virtual forest bathing gallery.  

3. Excitement  

Get your adrenaline pumping in the forest, and discover new ways to explore as a whole family. Why not get a unique view whilst swinging through the trees at Go Ape? Tricky crossings, wobbly bridges, and brilliant zip wires await you. 

Whether your group is made up of seasoned adventurers, those feeling slightly nervous or a mixture of the two, you can take to the canopy together and have the time of your lives.   

There’s normally a Go Ape on the doorstep of every Forest Holidays location, or within a short drive. 

Go ape tree top adventure mallards pike
Girl walking through muddy puddle in the forest

4. Curiosity 

Discover the secrets of the forest by spending time with a Forest Ranger. They’ll spark your curiosity and bring the forest to life through searching for mini-beasts, uncovering animal tracks and teaching you some fantastic forest facts. 

We don’t forget about adults. Forest Rangers can help you reignite your connection with the forest and experience that sense of nostalgia rooted in childhood memory.  

5. Inspiration 

Disconnect from the digital world. Don’t refresh your social media feeds, refresh your mind instead. On your next visit, why not leave your device at home and enjoy meaningful family time in nature. This is a simple step you can take to help re-wild your brain and seek inspiration from your surroundings.  

Consider making a tribute to trees in the form of a story or poem. The creativity that forests provide is second to none. 

Child looking through binoculars in the forest

Discover more with Forest Holidays 

Is the forest your home away from home? There are lots of places to stay in the UK, but only one where you can sleep under the stars and amongst the trees.

Forest Holidays’ cosy cabin locations offer just that. They’re crafted in harmony with the forest and tucked away in some of the most beautiful corners of the country.

The forest is your playground. It’s a place full of wonder, just waiting to be discovered. That’s the beauty of Forest Holidays. They’ll give you a helping hand to get you closer to nature, and find your forest feeling.

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Child holding pine cones
18 September 2018

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