Disc Golf at Cannock Chase Forest

Try the fun new activity everybody is talking about

Disc golf is a great way to spend time in the forest with friends and family. 

Whether you’re looking to try something new or have played before, we’ve got everything you need to enjoy a fun-packed game of disc golf among the trees. 

What to expect

Find the map panel showing the 9-hole course which explains how to play. This includes information about the length and suggested number of throws (par) for each hole at the tee and tips on how to grip and throw the disc. 

To play you'll take aim and throw frisbee style discs at fixed targets through the forest. Like golf, the player that completes the course with the fewest throws wins!  Watch a video by Disc Golf UK on how to play disc golf.

You don’t need to book

Available 7 days a week, all year round - just turn up on the day. Free to play with your own discs.

Disc hire is available from Visitor Welcome Point:

  • £3.50 per disc or £12 for 4 discs
  • Forestry England members: £3.00 per disc or £10.00 for 4 discs 

For larger bookings, please contact info-cannock@forestryengland.uk and for more information on the course, please visit our course on UDisc: https://udisc.com/courses/cannock-chase-forest-qA0x

Essential Information

Cannock Chase Forest, Birches Valley, Rugeley, WS15 2UQ
Disc hire 9am-2:30pm from our Welcome Point. Course starts on the Ladyhill Trail
The course consists of 9 baskets and 18 tees. Each basket has two tees, one beginner and one intermediate
Grade - Various