Creative Critter Craft with Mrs Blossom Makes

Event details

Events at Alice Holt - Meet at the Activity Centre

Buzz on over to Alice Holt Forest for un-BEE-lievable time this February and get crafty with Mrs Blossom Makes.  In a carousel style workshop, make and create a variety of Crafty Critters from a multitude of material to combine and hang, forming your own unique insect mobile.

Suitable for ages 4+ 
Adult supervision (and a little participation) is required at all times.

Sessions available: 10:00am, 11:15am, 1:30pm, 2:45pm
Cost: £6.75 per child.
To book, please email:, call 0300 067 4448 or pop into the Visitor Centre between 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Pre booking is recommended. Tickets will be available on the day subject to availability.