Women's Winter Solstice Cacao Ceremony

Event details

Events at Whinlatter - Meet at Noble Knott car park

A women's cacao ceremony in the forest to honour Yule, the Winter Solstice.

Celebrating the release of the dark and return of the sun as from now on each new day grows longer. 

We honour the beautiful plant medicine of Mama Cacao as we focus on birthing our dreams and visions as the sun returns, with the support of our sisters in circle.

Cacao ~ meditation & visualisation ~ fire ritual ~ manifesting ~ singing ~ drumming!

Cacao has been used in ritual and ceremony for thousands of years. Healing and transformational it is a deep heart opener helping us move from fear to love and connect with our inner wisdom. It is a really special experience and deeply enhances our meditation and insight. 

The cacao I used is high quality raw and organic, lovingly prepared with Reiki and intention and is mixed with plant milk. Drinking cacao is optional and herbal teas will also be available. It is advised that you should not drink cacao if you are taking anti-depressants. Please let Jen from Lakeland Wellbeing know if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure or a heart condition as it is advised to take a lower measure. 


This event is in the depths of the forest 300m up a steep path. We have a large shelter and it will still go ahead in the rain.