Hamsterley future plans

Hamsterley future plans

Updated 3rd March 2025

Following the public exhibitions, we have now moved to the next stage of the planning process and a planning application has been submitted to the Durham County Council (DCC).  

The full planning application is now available to view on the DCC planning portal and responses can be formally recorded. 

A comprehensive suite of studies have been completed and these are included in the full planning application, providing relevant authorities with the vital information needed to support the planning decision process. 

This project has been designed with the forest’s long-term future in mind, balancing the needs of visitors, wildlife, and the local community.  

We understand that our proposals will generate a range of opinions, and we're carefully reviewing all feedback from consultees. Where specific requirements have been outlined, we're gathering the necessary information to address them.

This process takes time, and once everything is ready, we’ll submit it to the planning authority for review. Because of this, there’s no set date yet for a planning committee.

Planning is an ongoing process, and it’s normal to provide additional information at different stages to ensure all questions from statutory consultees are properly addressed.

Public exhibitions

Hamsterley Proposal Exhibition

On the 9th and 10th of September, we hosted exhibitions in Hamsterley Forest and Bishop Auckland to present our proposals in greater detail. The events were well-received, attracting over 200 local residents, neighbours, councillors, business owners, accommodation providers, as well as representatives from environmental and wildlife organisations, among others. The sessions were well attended with lots of questions and thoughts shared.

We understand that the forest means different things to everyone and it was great to hear everyone’s individual interests.

For anybody that was unable to attend or would like to review the information presented, the exhibition materials are available below.

As the country’s largest land manager, Forestry England evolves to expand the work we do and the benefits the nation’s forests give to people, nature, and the economy, and everyone should feel welcomed into these shared public spaces. The vital work we do costs millions of pounds every year and although a small percentage comes from government (10%), the majority is self-generated with the support of members, visitors, timber sales and partners such as Forest Holidays and Go Ape. These funds allow Forestry England to continue our work to support nature, help wildlife, and open up more green spaces for the benefit of all. Our proposals for Hamsterley Forest will help us do that:

  • The proposals will provide opportunities for visitor improvements and overnight stays in a quiet forest setting, as well as improving access for all and ensuring the same freedom to walk around the forest as now.
  • Long term habitat enhancement plans for the forest and its wildlife.
  • Sustainable tourism which benefits the forest and the local economy - creating 135 new full time equivalent jobs (FTE), plus 420 FTE jobs during the creation of the proposals.
  • A boost of £6 million per year to the local economy through visitor spend. 

What stage is it at?

Following the public exhibitions, we have now moved to the next stage of the planning process and a planning application has been submitted to the Durham County Council (DCC).  

The full planning application is now available to view on the DCC planning portal and responses can be formally recorded. 

Archive information

Forestry England manages the nation’s forests to be sustainable and resilient providing benefits for people, nature and the economy: nationally, regionally and locally. We constantly review the forests to see how those benefits could improve.

Hamsterley Forest has become more popular and while this connects more people with the nation’s forests, benefits the rural economy and the wildlife is safeguarded, our ageing facilities are under strain. We have plans to make improvements to benefit all our visitors and forest users, such as increased café space and catering facilities, improved toilets, meeting and classroom space for schools and groups, provision of exhilarating ‘Go Ape’ outdoor activities, exciting opportunities for visiting cyclists and fit-for-purpose office accommodation for our staff based in the Forest.

In further developing our people, nature and economy offer, the potential for an overnight accommodation offer within the Forest, located close to the existing visitor infrastructure has been assessed and approved internally in accordance with Forestry England policy guidance.

We are working with Forest Holidays, a B Corp certified business, who are one of our long-term partners, to explore options for up to 70 nature sensitive cabins. In the last 50 years, we have created 8 sensitively-placed cabin locations in forests we care for.


For enquiries relating to these proposals that are not answered on this page, please contact us at: futureplans.hamsterley@forestryengland.uk