Guided visits to Grizedale
Educational experiences in the unique setting of Grizedale
We are pleased to offer a range of educational experiences that make the most of this unique learning environment.
Activities with Forestry England
We can deliver activities for education groups including A-level and University students. Choose from a range of topics including art & sculpture, recreation, ecology and forestry.
Email our Learning and Engagement Officer for more information and to book: grizedale@forestryengland.uk
Practical conservation with Forestry England
The Forestry England ranger team can lead practical conservation sessions, which can be used to support learners working towards their John Muir Award.
For more information please contact our Learning and Engagement Officer by emailing grizedale@forestryengland.uk
Lifelong learning and wellbeing
We welcome enquiries from community and adult learning groups. Visits to forests have proven health and wellbeing benefits and we're particularly keen to encourage and support groups who would like to explore this further. For more information please contact our Learning and Engagement Officer by emailing grizedale@forestryengland.uk
Coach access to Grizedale
Please note that not all routes to the forest are accessible by coaches. Coaches should approach from the south.
Useful information
There are plenty of facilities at Grizedale to help support your educational visit.