Children's play area at High Lodge

Children's play area - adventurous facilities for all the family


High Lodge is famous for its free adventurous play facilities which are great for kids of any age looking for an adventure in the forest. 

From the Gruffalo, sand play area for toddlers, pyramid tower and giant seesaw to our den building area, it is easy for everyone to spend an exciting day out playing in the woods. Kids can make their own music in the sound trail, play on giant swings or climb up onto the equipment in the sand pit. Only their imagination will be the limit to the fun they can have out in the woods even if it is a rainy day and the only thing to do is get muddy splashing in puddles! 

Activity information

High Lodge, Thetford Forest, Brandon, IP27 0AF
It is a short walk from the car park to the start of our play facilities at High Lodge, which are close to the café and toilets.
Grade - Easy Access
Is this activity for you?
Our play facilities are located throughout the forest. The routes are largely flat, and the surfaces will vary from gravel surfaces tracks to natural forest paths.