Age: Early years and KS1
Activities for: the classroom, a forest or local green space
Subjects: Science, physical development, PHSE, arts and design, spoken language and maths
Download your free Superworm educational resources. There are seven colourful activity sheets to inspire your class.
Activities include:
- Super stretchy Superworm – can you stretch like Superworm and pose like a caterpillar?
- Superheroes – trees are our superheroes but what are yours?
- True of False – a fun interactive game
- Worm charming – discover the art of worm charming, the superheroes of soil
- Minibeast hunting – explore the natural environment and see how many of Superworm’s minibeast friends you can find
- Minibeast cards – create a set of your very own minibeast cards
- Let’s act now! – get your class moving with the help from our Superworm’s friends
- The Forest Code for Minibeast Hunting
For more activity ideas check out our Superworm family activity sheets.