The Arborists, Zakiya Mckenzie

The Arborists by Zakiya Mckenzie

A poem for our centenary project writers in the forest.

The Arborists

Heights of great men, reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, were climbing upwards, upwards, upwards…

towering giant
aerial king
crown grazer
air thin
beyond cloud
blessed blue
sky above
grey sky too
wavering wind
dainty spread
limbs to tread
leaping logs
timber tightrope
pivoting blocks
still floats
sky walker
majestic muse
skilled worker
skill of use
skilful arbour
graceful climber
trim the fat
treetop gymnast
none like thee
balancing beams
felling trees


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Silhouette of forest at pink sunset

In the Dean, to have had your first amourous experience in the forest was to get your ‘fern ticket’

Close up of blackberry flower

She checked to see what time it was. Looking up at the sun, she smiled because the rainclouds that had splashed the morning seemed to have moved on.

Eerie trees in the forest

A cobalt sky blanketed the morning and pockets of hazy sunshine beamed through morphing openings in the canopy high.