The nation's forests are a haven for millions of visitors every year
Whether you visit to seek new sights, ride the trails or simply bathe in the beauty of it all, follow The Forest Code to make sure you, and visitors for generations to come, enjoy what nature has to offer.
Forests care for us. Together we care for forests.
Protect and respect wildlife, plants and trees
When spending time in the forest, consider your surroundings and make sure that all plants and animals are left undisturbed.
Guard against all risks of fire
Dry weather makes it very easy for wildfires to start. Help us prevent this by not lighting campfires, only use BBQs where allowed and make sure any cigarettes are put out and disposed of properly. If you see a wildfire dial 999. You can read our position on managing wildfires here.
Keep dogs under control
We know the forest is an exciting place for any canine companion! That’s why it's important to make sure your dog is under control at all times, for your dog's safety, yourself and the safety of other visitors. Read the full Forest Dog Code here.
Take your litter home
Don’t be a rubbish visitor! Litter is unpleasant for visitors but can also cause damage to the landscape and wildlife. Most of our visitors take their litter with them, please do the same.
Make no unnecessary noise
Forests are a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Avoid disturbing wildlife and other visitors by keeping noise to a minimum. Ditch the loud music, any unnecessary shouting and revving of car engines and just enjoy the peace and quiet.
Take only memories away
Anything that belongs in the forest should stay in the forest. Respect the forest and the wildlife that lives there by leaving their home intact.
The forest is for everyone, please be aware of other visitors
From young families to adventurous bike riders and dog walkers to bird watchers; we want everyone to enjoy their visit to our beautiful forests. Be considerate of other visitors when moving around the forest. Why not offer a smile and friendly greeting? Everyone should feel welcome.