Fishing in the Forest of Dean

Fishing in the Forest of Dean

Fishing is a hobby enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities, and there are proven health and wellbeing benefits of going fishing.

Fishing gives many people the opportunity to spend time outside and take time to step away from busy and stressful lifestyles.

Time spent fishing has been proven to improve your patience as well as concentration levels. It’s not often that you cast a line and get a bite straight away, so fishing puts your patience to the test. 


Fishing is permitted in some of the ponds and lakes in the Forest of Dean.  Where fishing is permitted the rights to fish are leased by angling clubs, each club is responsible for handling membership and the purchase of day tickets.


Yorkley and District Angling club 

  • Cannop Ponds
  • Three Islands / Speech House Lake

Please visit  for more information


Royal Forest of Dean Angling club

  • Lightmoor Pool
  • Meadowcliff Pool
  • Steam Mills Lake
  • Waterloo Screens
  • Plump Hill Pool

Please visit for more information


Soudley Fly Fishing Syndicate

  • Soudley Lower Pond


Other bodies of water

All other bodies of water in the Forest of Dean, managed by Forestry England, are not permitted to be fished.




Useful links

The Forest of Dean
Is this activity for you?
To legally fish waters, if you are aged 13 or older, you must buy a rod licence from the Environment Agency.
Protect our wildlife
Protect watercourses from invasive species. Anglers do their bit by checking, cleaning and drying equipment between watercourses.