Trail Diversions at High Lodge

Walking and cycling trail diversions at High Lodge

Please see diversion information below, updated 6 March 2025. Please be aware that throughout March there will be intense thinning and harvesting work at High Lodge; please check diversions before you travel to site, and follow all diversions on site for your safety. 

  • Walking trails - Fir trail (yellow) and Heritage trail (pink) are both significantly diverted. Pine Trail (white) is closed.  
  • Play and activities - Sound Trail will closed during the week, and open at weekends. Pyramid Tower open.
  • Cycle trails - Beater (blue) trail, Shepherd (green) trail, and Lime Burner (red) trail are all partially diverted. Please review the map and follow all diversion signage for your safety. 
  • Pump Track - Open as normal.
  • Other information - Please take care on FR12 due to construction traffic. Please follow all signs and instructions.

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