We are for forestry

Woman standing with spade next to a log pile

Sustainable timber, flourishing forests

Well-managed forests can last forever

The nation's forests are places for people and wildlife, with sustainable forestry at the core. We are the largest supplier of certified sustainable timber in England, while carefully balancing the benefits of forests for all.

We put sustainability at the heart of what we do, maintaining world-class standards for the forests in our care.

Worker sat on log

Safeguarding sustainable wood

Look around - how many things can you see made from wood? We will always need wood, it is a beautiful, strong and renewable material with endless uses.

The UK currently imports 80% of the timber it uses, second only to China. We provide homegrown timber to the nation, reducing imports and demand on resources from countries where forests may not be responsibly managed.

Timber captures carbon and provides a substitute for plastic, concrete and steel. By growing and using more wood we can help to tackle the climate crisis. Harvesting timber sustainably also ensures forests are well looked after and increases their value to society.

Forests fit for the future

Our experts use the latest science and evidence to help us plan, plant and protect forests. We are committed to creating new woodlands in England and designing forests that will thrive in the climate conditions we expect in 2050 and beyond.

By protecting trees from pest and diseases and diversifying what we plant, we are making sure our forests have the best chance to thrive despite the challenges.

broadleaf and conifer leaves
Conifer seedlings growing in trays

From seed to tree

We need more trees, but where will they come from? Our nurseries already grow 7 million new trees every year to replant forests across England and create new areas of woodland.

With high plant health standards and the very best seeds, the trees we grow today are ready for the future.

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How we're acting for climate and nature:

Aerial view of forest in autumn colour with a river running through it
Our climate actions

Healthy forests are vital for a sustainable future. With your support, we're making sure the nation's forests will thrive.

Woman looking up at trees with ipad clipboard
Adapting forests for the future

We are adapting for the future and planning decades ahead to make sure the nation’s forests will be enjoyed for generations to come.

Red squirrel eating a nut
Wildlife thrives in our care

We care for some of the most valuable places for wildlife in the country.

The new visitor welcome point at Delamere Forest
Net zero by 2030

We're reducing our impact and working towards net zero emissions by 2030.