Barbecue Hire at Wendover Woods

Hire a barbecue at Wendover Woods

Enjoy a tasty treat in the forest at one of Wendover's barbecue stands, bring along good food and company. Don't forget to bring your own charcoal and tools! 

Barbecue hire is £70 per day.

Wendover Woods has three barbecues available for hire. The barbecues are available to use from 11am until one hour before site closure. 

Hire BBQs are bookable up to 30 days in advance. 

Please note that there is no vehicular access to any barbecues and you will need to walk a short distance from the car park.

Disposable, portable barbecues, camping stoves and open fires are not allowed.


In order to protect this special landscape from the risk of fire please follow our guidance

Full terms and conditions apply


Essential information

Wendover Woods, Wendover Woods car park, Upper Icknield Way, Aston Clinton, Aylesbury, HP22 5NQ
Booking essential
You will need to book in advance, check availability and make a booking using the booking link
Parking charges apply