Forest Bathing at Wendover Woods

Forest bathing

The Forest Bathing Institute brings 2-hour Forest Bathing+ nature based wellness sessions to Wendover Woods.

Forest Bathing+ is a comprehensive therapeutic form of forest bathing developed in co-operation with numerous universities across the UK, professors, doctors, and scientists.

Underpinned by mindfulness

Forest Bathing+ is underpinned by a mindfulness practice, during each session participants will be guided to engage with each of the five senses in a structured manner, to enhance the experience and to bring about a mindful state. The ultimate aim of each session is to calm the mind, relax the body and to become more present and aware, whilst enjoying the stunning nature at Wendover Woods. 

Essential information

Wendover Woods, Wendover Woods car park, Upper Icknield Way, Aston Clinton, Aylesbury, HP22 5NQ
Booking essential