As an arboretum, our trees already help by carbon storing, but there is always more that we can do!
As one of the biggest visitor attractions, with half a million visitors a year, we have a carbon footprint we need to reduce. As a site with public access, some times this can be difficult but we know we all play our part in being net zero by 2030.
To be net zero means to cut greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests for instance. Click on the images below to find out more about what are we doing to get to our goal!

The Green Team
- The ambition is that everyone onsite is a Sustainability Champion.
The Green Team consists of 10 – 15 members of staff (of about 75 staff) from Forestry England the charity arm of Westonbirt; The Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum. These staff members have an interest in sustainability and action was stimulated by staff concerns regarding global issues but also, as a conservation business, they recognised that on their site, staff and visitors need to take responsibility beyond the trees.