Sustainability - what can you do?

Person picking up litter from the grass
David Pereiras - Getty Images

We all have a role to play to protect our planet and we can make small changes in our lives to help protect our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations.



The best thing we can all do at home is to switch to a green energy tariff. 

Other things that can help:

  • turn your lights off when you aren't in the room.
  • insulate your roof.
  • switch all light bulbs to LED. 
  • Unplug your electronics - many items consume energy even when you're not using them.


Easiest way to help with wastage is to follow recycling signage when out and about - if in doubt, leave it out!

Other ways to help with waste: 

  • Bring reusable cup to Westonbirt for 30p off your hot drink!
  • Take a re-usable bag to the shops. 
  • Make wise purchases
  • Try composting at home



Bring a re-usable bottle and fill up at our refill point at the Welcome Building. 
Other ways to reduce water consumption: 

  • Try out a water butt at home. 
  • Spend less time in the shower.
  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.  
  • Use full loads for your washing machine and dishwasher.


How about bringing a buddy to car share or hopping on the bus to Westonbirt? 

Other ways to travel sustainably: 

  • Use more public transport - this also helps with encouraging more bus routes and more frequent buses. 
  • Try cycling to get around - Can you do your weekly shop on a bike?
  • Car sharing - hop in with a friend next time you go out - one less car on the road. 
  • Look into electric or hybrid cars next time you buy or hire a car? 

Green team 

Could you set up your own green team at work? What are the easy wins? Can we all be the change we want to see!

A group of people smiling at the camera on the grass with trees in the background
Photo credit: Alison Whaley