Westonbirt Arboretum community wellbeing activities

community westonbirt

Spring at Westonbirt Arboretum is full of trees, shrubs and flowers bursting into bloom and waking up from their winter sleep. These activity packs contain some activities and ideas to help you connect with trees and nature; in the garden or through the window.

Wellbeing activity booklets

A self led activity resource for care homes.

Includes images of magnificent magnolias, poetry ideas, interesting facts and figures, video link to view Westonbirt and a craft activity to make your own magnolia flower!

A self led activity resource for families.

Activity pack includes 'I spy' spring, colouring sheet, inspirational songs, craft activity to make your own cherry blossom tree and a craft to make a spring flower picture.

tree rings
A self led activity resource for families.

Explore some of the patterns in your garden or on your daily exercise walk. Activity pack includes a pattern hunt, colouring sheet and a craft to make salt dough decorations.

Holford Ride Westonbirt
A self led activity resource for families

Use this pack to explore some of the picturesque landscapes of Westonbirt. Colour in a typical view, create a collage tree collection and become a miniature landscape gardener!

Mug of tea
A self led activity resource for care homes

Use this pack to see images of Camellias, learn interesting tea facts, a tea party quiz, tea tunes and learn how to make your own botanical bunting.

Bird in tree Leigh Woods
A self led activity resource for families

Play a bird themed 'I spy', recite a traditional nursery rhyme, listen and tweet along to some songs, make your own edible birds nest and have a go at making an origami bird.

A self led activity resource for care homes

Look at images of hawthorn trees, read poetry, find out facts and figures of the hawthorn, make your own May garland and paint your own May scene.