Summer at Westonbirt

two young boys climbing tree
Children still need a childhood with dirt, mud, puddles, trees, sticks and tadpoles.
Brook Hampton

Nature - the ultimate playground 

Discover a sense of freedom and escape to the arboretum for some summer fun!

Playing outside makes us feel happy and healthy. In a world dominated by screens and gadgets, the outdoors remains a raw, untethered playground full of adventure.

At Westonbirt, children can safely explore the wonders of nature through outdoor play. 

Enjoy the space to play catch, crawl under bushes, climb trees, and discover new trails.

Things to do this summer

4 children crowd round a large Gruffalo panel, they play with the interactive wheel and point to the mouse.
The Gruffalo Party Trails

The Gruffalo is celebrating his 25th birthday and to celebrate, everyone is invited to take part in a brand-new forest adventure. 

What to expect

The interactive family trail...

2 young brothers play catch around a textured tree trunk.
Other family activities

Wednesday 05 June – Wednesday 04 September

As you explore the Old Arboretum and Silk Wood this summer, look out for eight games that invite you to play together. Use your...

2 young brothers stand one in front of the other. The older brother in a white top lifts his arms in the air while the younger brother in a bright blue top grins with his hands together
Sat 20 Jul
10:30 - 3:30pm
Westonbirt, The National Arboretum

Come and join us at Silk Wood Barn to discover more about the sounds in nature. Listen to the different sounds you might hear at Westonbirt and try out our quiz to see how much you...

Pippa is an author and artist based in the Peak District National Park, an experienced storyteller, illustrator, designer and writer. She sits crossed legged with colourful mud around her with mud drawings surrounding her.
Tue 06 - Thu 08 Aug
10:30 - 3:30pm
Westonbirt, The National Arboretum

We are delighted to welcome artist and children’s author Pippa Pixley as we delve into the art of mud. Become a mud painter, and create a beautiful dorodango (shiny mud sphere). 


A young girl and boy dressed in denim hold dandelions up to their mouths to blow
Tue 13 Aug – Thu 15 Aug
10:30 - 3:30pm
Westonbirt, The National Arboretum

At Silk Wood Barn we will be exploring seeds that disperse in the wind. Join us to look closely at different grasses using our microscopes and hand lenses, design your own fluffy...

Learning Westonbirt
Sat 17 Aug
10:30 - 3:30pm
Westonbirt, The National Arboretum

Discover the variety of life living on sticks, including mosses, lichens, algae and fungi, looking closely with hand lenses. Create a willow butterfly and for children age 7+ we’re...

A child holds a paintbrush in her hand. She paints over the piece of paper to reveal a wax drawing of different shapes.
Tue 27 - Thu 29 Aug
10:30am - 3:30pm
Westonbirt, The National Arboretum

The theme this week for our summer holiday family events will be ‘water’. Design your own wooden raft and take part in our challenge to see if yours will be the fastest to race...

Man and two boys running on grass surrounded by trees
Photo credit: Johnny Hathaway

Why is play good for adults too?

Play is more than an activity; it’s a mindset. It strengthens our connections with each other (and with trees). Sharing fun increases trust and closeness.

Play stimulates creativity too! Just like children, adults learn best through play. Fun and relaxation improve learning and retention.

Playing also helps us relieve stress by releasing endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals.

It also keeps us youthful. Being active, outdoors on sunny days helps the body make more ‘sunshine vitamin’ (vitamin D) and enhances our energy, vitality, and immunity!