Woodland Ecology at Westonbirt Arboretum, KS3

Ecology programme aimed at KS3

Updated 15th January 2024

Suitable for KS3, March -  November

Key concepts

Habitat, community, ecosystem, food chains and webs, feeding relationships, energy transfer, pyramids of numbers and biomass.

Learning outcomes

  • use a range of vocabulary to describe woodland ecology.
  • explain how plants and animals interact with their environment.
  • explain how all feeding relationships within a habitat are interconnected.
  • represent feeding relationships in an ecosystem as a pyramid of numbers.
  • understand that energy is lost at each stage of a food chain through respiration, excretion, movement etc.


Ecology of an oak tree - based at an oak tree, introduce or explore the concepts of habitats, feeding relationships, energy flow, food chains and webs.

Collecting evidence - discuss and then observe / record key evidence for different producers, primary and secondary consumers.

Pyramid of numbers - using the evidence collected, build a pyramid of numbers that represents the class data.

Food webs - an interactive game that create a woodland food web and considers natural and man-made impacts on the web.

Energy flow game - a relay race that illustrates the transfer of energy and energy loss through a food chain