Forest Bathing Walk - taster event

Event details

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Events at Sence Valley - Meet at top car park, by the pop-up café

As part of Forestry England's Feel Good in the Forest programme you are invited to join us on a free introductory Forest Bathing walk.

The walk will allow you the chance to slow down and breathe away the everyday stresses of life. Tune into your senses and notice more of the natural world around you, while your busy mind takes a break. 

You will be gently guided through a series of open invitations that prompt you to become more present in the moment, connecting with nature and the woodland around you.

Much of the walk will be spent in silence, soaking up the peace of the forest, interspersed with time spent together in sharing circles. We will finish with a wild tea foraged during the walk.

You can expect to leave feeling lighter, calmer and more connected to nature, yourself and others. You will be encouraged to switch off your phone for the duration of the walk and not take photos during the time we are together as a group.