Relax in the forest

Tree bud in front of the sun

Enhance your mental health and wellbeing

Relax and unwind in the forest

Connecting with nature supports a healthy mind. There are lots of ways to boost your mental wellbeing in the nation’s forests, including forest bathing, sensory walks and wellbeing trails.

Woman standing in woodland at sunset

Find a guided forest bathing session

Discover the Japanese practice of relaxation in the forest with a guided mindful experience.
two people walking through the forest

Find a wellbeing trail

Follow the panel guides on a mindful walk to stop, notice and connect with the forest environment. With new trails to try, start your wellbeing journey today.
Man and woman observing the texture of a tree

Find a sensory walk near you

Created with Sense, these accessible walks highlight key sensory points along the way for you to enjoy.

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A person with their back to the camera takes a photo of a tree on a mobile phone
Forests from anywhere

From videos and audio to craft activities and photo galleries, access the joys of the forest from wherever you are.

Sunlight shining through woodland scenery
Tips, inspiration and focus

Download and print this free journal to enhance your next wellbeing trip to the forest.

Woman writing on a notepad in the forest
Top tips for practicing mindfulness

Get the most out of your next forest visit with these helpful tips to try mindfulness.

Forest bathing at home activity sheets
Free children's worksheets

Introduce the benefits of forest bathing to children with these activity sheets to try at home.