Gresley, Swainspark and Tunnel Woods

Visitor information

Explore the National Forest

The three woodlands of Gresley, Swainspark and Tunnel Woods in Derbyshire make up an area of mixed aged trees, hedgerows, grasslands and open space. Gresley Wood is a 42-hectare site with a history of farming and opencast mining now growing into a peaceful woodland habitat within the boundaries of the National Forest.

Make the most of your visit

  • Wander the range of surfaced and grassy paths that criss-cross the woods.
  • Explore the SUSTRANS National Cycle Route 63 that passes through the woodland to connect to the wider National Forest.
  • Keep an eye out for kestrels, butterflies and other wildlife in this thriving woodland habitat.
  • These woodlands are also part of the National Forest’s Conkers Circuit, connecting key urban hub sites in the National Forest.
  • Walking
  • Bridleway
  • SUSTRANS National Cycle Route 63
  • Dogs welcome
  • Picnic area
Feel good in the forest

Feel Good in the Forest at Gresley, Swainspark and Tunnel Woods

Forestry England's social prescribing project Feel Good in the Forest is aimed at improving the physical and mental health of those most in need. Based at various National Forest sites, join us for weekly walks and other activities.

Things to do

Cyclists are welcome to use the surfaced trails at Gresley, Swainspark and Tunnel Woods. We ask that you don’t stray off these to help us keep these woodlands special and safe for...

Gresley, Swainspark and Tunnel Woods include public bridleways and SUSTRANS National Cycle trails which are suitable for horse riding. We ask that you don’t stray off these trails...

Stop for refreshments in the great outdoors and take a seat on the picnic benches located at the top of Tunnel Wood, looking out across the local area. Please tidy up after...

Walking is the perfect way to get some fresh air and gentle exercise whilst exploring the landscape and habitats on the woods.

There are no Forestry England waymarked walking trails...

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