We are working to protect the nation’s forests so that future generations can still enjoy them.
Our climate is changing, threats to our trees are increasing and we need to build resilience. We are making sure our forests have the best chance to thrive. For over 100 years we have changed and adapted to challenges. Today we use the latest science and evidence to help us plan, plant and safeguard the nation's forests.

Being more diverse
Growing different types of tree means more will survive in the changing climate. We are designing forests that will thrive in the conditions we expect in 2050 and beyond.
We're choosing different species and sourcing from places where the climate is similar to how our climate could look up to 100 years from now. We will continue to diversify the trees we plant and choose the best trees for the future.
Expanding our forests
With more trees and forests, we will have cleaner air to breathe, better habitats for wildlife and more sustainable wood to use.
Trees reduce the impact of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide as they grow and storing it as carbon in wood. Planting new areas of forest means we can lock up more. We're committed to growing the nation’s forests by creating new woodlands.

Being more connected
Joining up woodland across the landscape makes bigger forests for wildlife to thrive and people to enjoy.
We're connecting forests and other habitats on a large scale, which can reduce the impact of pests and diseases and help make better forests for all. We will continue to restore other vital habitats and ecosystems, for wildlife and climate.
Taking action to protect
The threat to trees from pests and diseases in increasing. We're looking after our trees and forests helps them to be in better condition than ever.
We're protecting our forests by only supplying healthy trees for planting. All our tree nurseries have thorough biosecurity checks to minimise risk of pests and diseases. We will continue to monitor tree health and manage our forests to prevent or control outbreaks.