Window on Westonbirt Arboretum

What's looking good

Our Window on Westonbirt Volunteers have explored the arboretum this week to inform our visitors of the following not to be missed seasonal highlights.

Use Arboretum Explorer to help you discover more tree locations around the arboretum.

white flowers of lime tree against dark green leaves

Tilia kiusiana

Westonbirt’s limes were awarded national collection status in 2008 and they are approaching their best right now, with white flowers and seeds and  pale green bracts. Lime Avenue looks stunning viewed from Loop Walk, but you'll find examples of these magnificent trees across the arboretum.

Mock Orange

Varieties of Mock orange (Philadelphus) can also be found across the site this week. These attractive shrubs are covered in sweetly fragrant white flowers which resemble orange blossom.

A wide open white flower with delicate petals with a spotty yellow centre.
orange and pink flower clusters on large tree with green leaves to left of background

Cotinus 'Grace'

Look out for the striking Cotinus 'Grace' along Waste Drive, with feathery purple-pink flowers against rich purple-bronze leaves.