Visitor information

A magical tree garden, where you can explore trees from all over the globe

Book tickets

Home to 2,500 different species from the far corners of the globe and 5 national tree collections, Westonbirt is the perfect place for you to escape, relax or have an adventure! Take a journey up into the canopy on the STIHL Tree Top Walkway, stop by the café for a tasty treat or see if you can spot the Gruffalo!

This summer nature's playground awaits! Find out what activities are taking place over the summer months here

Don't forget, if you join as a Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum member, you can enjoy free entry to this spectacular setting for a whole year. Find out more about becoming a member here.

Audience enjoying live music festival in the forest

Forest Live

Forest Live is a major live music series held at Westonbirt Arboretum. Join us among the trees to hear the best live music and connect with nature.
Forest event
Thu 27 Jun, Thu 26 Sep, Thu 07 Nov
10:30am - 12:00pm
Meet outside the Great Oak Hall

Do you home educate your children? 

We are running learning sessions throughout the year for home educated children, aged 7-11. Using the arboretum’s magnificent surroundings...

Forest event
First Tuesday of the month, Apr - Sep
Westonbirt Arboretum

Discover the fascinating world of wild flowers and other flora at Westonbirt Arboretum and uncover the many uses, stories and traditions associated with each one.

Each walk starts...

Forest event
4 July 2024

About Gregory Porter

Gregory has become known as the UK’s favourite contemporary American jazz artist. His last five albums have all reached the Top 10, with ‘Take Me To The Alley’ ...

Forest event
5 July 2024

About Anne-Marie

Anne-Marie entered the music scene in 2015; her first solo album, ‘Speak Your Mind’ was the UK’s biggest-selling debut of 2018 and spawned the international anthems...

Food and drink

A father and son sit at a table with food in front of them. The father looks at his son who smiles back.

Food and Drink

Enjoy delicious, freshly prepared hot and cold refreshments while visiting the arboretum.

The Gruffalo is celebrating his 25th birthday and to celebrate, everyone is invited to take part in a brand-new forest adventure. 

What to expect

The interactive family trail...

Choose one of our walks at Westonbirt Arboretum and find inspiration in one of the most diverse and beautiful botanical collections in the world.

Wednesday 05 June – Wednesday 04 September

As you explore the Old Arboretum and Silk Wood this summer, look out for eight games that invite you to play together. Use your...

Spending time amongst the trees and really noticing nature is scientifically proven to boost our mental and physical health. Follow the trail to take a mindful walk through the...

Our work

Holford Ride Westonbirt

Our work

Westonbirt Arboretum is one of the most beautiful and important plant collections in the world. With 15,000 specimens, and 2,500 species of tree from all over the globe, the arboretum plays a vital part in research and conservation, as well as being a stunningly beautiful place to visit.

Our history

westonbirt historic

Our History

Created almost 200 years ago by Victorian horticulturalist Robert Holford, discover how one man's passion for plants created the world's most beautiful botanical collections.
Family following a map in the forest

Westonbirt map

There are 600 acres and 17 miles of hard and grassy paths at Westonbirt Arboretum, allowing visitors to spend an entire day exploring it! The arboretum is split into 3 key areas. Dog friendly Silk Wood, the central Downs and dog free Old Arboretum.
Volunteer with us invitation - click to discover volunteer opportunities across England
Westonbirt Friends