Escape Time at the Arboretum trail

Escape Time at the Arboretum trail

Brand new trail opening mid-July

Will you be able to escape from the Silk Wood time warp? Can you solve the puzzles, unlock the boxes and successfully make it back to the present day?

This summer pit your wits against our Escape time at the Arboretum trail, which transports you to different times in Silk Wood’s past. The only way back to the present is to solve the puzzle at each location. Grab all the clues to enable you to crack the final puzzle and get you back home to reality…

Suitable for ages 9yrs+

Trail located in dog friendly Silk Wood.

Collect trail leaflet at the Welcome Building.

Trail information

Westonbirt, The National Arboretum, Tetbury, GL8 8QS
Grade - Easy